The Toshi Center Hotel places the highest priority on the safety and security of its guests. To this end, they have introduced the following measures to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Public spaces
1. Monitoring the health of hotel guests
At check-in, guests are asked about their general health, body temperature and whether they are required to self-isolate after recently returning from overseas, as well as other health-related questions as appropriate.
2. Masks for staff
For the health and safety of guests, all staff are required to wear masks.
3. Cleaning and disinfection
Guest rooms and shuttle buses as well as high-touch surfaces such as door handles, sliding doors and elevator buttons are regularly wiped down and disinfected with alcohol disinfectant.
4. Hand sanitiser
Alcohol-based hand sanitiser is available to guests at multiple points throughout our hotels including lobbies, restaurants and bars.
5. Ventilation of our facilities
The areas of this hotel used by our guests are continuously ventilated with replenished cycles of fresh air from outside through our airconditioning system.
1. ご宿泊のお客様へ健康状態の確認
2. スタッフのマスク着用
3. 拭き取り消毒の実施
4. アルコール消毒液の設置
5. 館内の換気の実施
Guest protocols
1. We respectfully ask that you refrain from using our facilities if you have a high temperature or are feeling unwell.
2. If you begin to feel unwell at any time during your stay, please inform a member of staff immediately.
3. Please wear a mask at all times and apply hand sanitiser regularly during your stay.
1. 発熱されているお客様、また、体調の優れないお客様は、大変申し訳ございませんが、ご来館をご遠慮いただきますようお願い申しあげます。
2. 体調が優れないと感じられた場合は、お近くのスタッフまでその旨をお申し出ください。
3. お客様に当施設を安心してご利用いただけますよう、ご来館時のアルコール消毒、館内でのマスク着用のご協力をお願いしております。 また、お食事ご利用時の会話の際も、マスク着用のご協力をお願い申しあげます。
Staff Protocols
1. Staff are required to undertake regular health checks and undergo a temperature check before starting work each day.
2. Staff must wash and disinfect their hands and gargle thoroughly upon entering the building and at regular intervals during the working day, and are required to wear masks at all times.
3. Back office areas are subject to periodical deep cleaning.
4. Working arrangements such as staggered shifts, video-conferencing and working from home have been introduced to minimize physical proximity.
1. 従業員の体調チェック、出社前の体温測定
2. 入館・就業時の手洗い、手指殺菌、うがいの徹底、マスク着用
3. バックスペースの定期的な消毒
4. 時差出勤、社内業務の改善 (TV会議、テレワーク〔在宅勤務〕等)
We thank you for your understanding during these testing times.