Haruko Satoh 佐藤治子

Biography プロフィール

Haruko Satoh is Specially Appointed Professor at the Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), where she teaches Japan’s relations with Asia and identity in international relations. She is also co-director of the OSIPP-IAFOR Research Centre and she was previously part of the MEXT Reinventing Japan project on “Peace and Human Security in Asia (PAHSA)” with six Southeast Asian and four Japanese universities.

In the past she has worked at the Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA), Chatham House, and Gaiko Forum. Her interests are primarily in state theory, Japanese nationalism and identity politics. Recent publications include: “China in Japan’s Nation-state Identity” in James DJ Brown & Jeff Kingston (eds) Japan’s Foreign Relations in Asia (Routledge, 2018); “Japan's Postmodern’ Possibility with China: A View from Kansai” in Lam Peng Er (ed), China-Japan Relations in the 21st Century (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017); “Rethinking Security in Japan: In Search of a Post-‘Postwar’ Narrative” in Jain & Lam (Eds.), Japan’s Strategic Challenges in a Changing Regional Environment (World Scientific, 2012); “Through the Looking-glass: China’s Rise as Seen from Japan”, (co-authored with Toshiya Hoshino), Journal of Asian Public Policy, 5(2), 181–198, (July 2012); “Post- 3.11 Japan: A Matter of Restoring Trust?”, ISPI Analysis No. 83 (December 2011); “Legitimacy Deficit in Japan: The Road to True Popular Sovereignty” in Kane, Loy & Patapan (Eds.), Political Legitimacy in Asia: New Leadership Challenges (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), “Japan: Re-engaging with China Meaningfully” in Tang, Li & Acharya (eds), Living with China: Regional States and China through Crises and Turning Points, (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009).

大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科特任教授。1965年生まれ。成蹊学園中等部、英国 Roedean Schoolを経て、1988年米国 Mount Holyoke College 卒業。その後、香港貿易発展局、日本国際交流センターなどで働いた後、Johns Hopkins 大学 School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS)での修士課程を終え、日本国際問題研究所、英国チャタムハウスで研究交流活動。「外交フォーラム」編集員を務めた後、ケンブリッジ大学博士課程を経て、2011年より大阪大学。国際公共政策研究科では2011年度採択「大学の世界展開力強化」事業の特任准教授として東南アジア6大学との交流プログラムに5年間携わり、その関連事業として「ASEAN Career Fair with Japan in Singapore」を2013年に立ち上げた。研究関心分野は国家論、日本のナショナリズム、日中関係など。

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