Yoshiho Ikeda 池田良穂

Biography プロフィール

Professor Yoshiho Ikeda is presently Professor Emeritus of Osaka Prefecture University and a Guest Professor of The Osaka University of Economics and Law. He served as Dean of Engineering of Osaka Prefecture University from 2011 to 2015. Currently, he is serving as the Secretary General of the Academic Society for Cruise and Ferry, Japan; he also established the society and served as its first president for six years.

His major is in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering – including technical and business aspects of cruising. As a technical advisor to the Japanese Government, he was a member of the IMO’s Sub-Committee on Stability and Load Lines and on Fishing Vessels Safety (SLF) that met London to revise an international rule for the damage stability of ships.

He is an enthusiast of ships and cruising, and has enjoyed more than 120 cruises all over the world. He has already experienced two Japanese domestic cruises since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.


船舶工学、海洋工学が専門 – クルージングにおける技術的およびビジネス的側面等。日本政府の技術顧問として、ロンドンの国際海事機関(IMO)本部において開催された復原性・満載喫水線・漁船安全小委員会委員を務め、損傷時復原性に関する国際規則改正に携わった。


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